Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hi, coup

haikus are bullshit
unless you can try them well
but most people quit

Meet Me at the Door

EDIT:it's a lot harder than I thought to upload pictures on a blog from an iPhone

If I were to walk through 1000 doors,
I would be stuck doing 2000 chores,
But what would happen if one stayed open?
As the blues walks out,
And introduces copen.

Look at the change that the world brings,
Revolution and rebellion initiates these things,
But what would happened if one never closed?
And the story it shouts
is just a ridiculous prose.

Feel the shakes of a metamorphosis, 
All of it's dreams inspire the forces,
But what would happen if they all got locks? 
Hinder their greatness,
And drag them against the rocks.

Hear the cries for redemption and mercy,
Not from the weak but from men like Percy,
But what would happens if the hinges came loose?
Now everyone suffers,
And refuse to make truce.

Taste the sour treats of joy in defeat,
Under the illusion that we are on our feet,
But what would happen if a line should form?
Stricken with boredom,
After refining norm.

See what you can and believe what you will,
Fascinated by victims of Doctor Ill,
But what would happen if the doors should break?
Sympathy is useless,
And remorse is fake.

So would I choose to walk through 1000 doors,
And be stuck with those 2000 chores,
Like everyone else I can only want more,
So give me a pen,
And meet me at the door.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Reason for Absense

I'm taking a quick break from the poetry to finish up a screenplay. Sorry if y'all been waiting on something.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Excuse Me While I Womp

Left, Right, Up, Down
Please bring it to my town
Waiting for a beat drop
Ten times sicker than Bieber
And double that of Hip Hop

Waving lines of Glo-Sticks
Listening to the Electrics
Pulsing through the crowd
from the DJ to the Waitress
Making dubheads feel proud

Losing me without discretion
But the music shows me direction
I figured out all that I need
is some great house music
but take emphasis off the speed

Dancing has no form of normality
The right technique is only a fallacy
But while you stand, I will stomp
Content in my actions,
So please excuse me while I womp

Monday, June 20, 2011

Nate's Fish Tale

Down in the middle of the Lone Star State,
there was a old man who we like call to Nate.

His hair was the color of his dark brown shoe,
and most of the time he had not a clue what to do.

Then one day his neighbor knocked on his door,
and asked something of Nate bigger than a chore.

The man was leaving for a place called Stockholm,
but was wondering if Nate could take care of his home.

Nate could see the urgency in his neighbor's face,
so he told the man he would take care of his place.

The man told Nate all sorts of responsibilities,
all of course which were within Nate's abilities.

The man thanked Nate and went off on his way,
now Nate had something to do the rest of his day.

He grabbed his coat and sauntered across the street,
ready to see what kind of food his neighbor had to eat.

Nate searched the fridge and found some good noodles,
he was about to dig in until he was disrupted by a poodle.

The man was specific about what the dog was to be fed,
but Nate couldn't remember anything his neighbor had said.

He gave the pup a bite and then eventually a full meal,
lemon pepper pasta with some goat cheese and veal.

The duo dined quickly as both their hungers were equal,
Nate was amazed that the dog was begging for a sequel.

After their meal they made their way straight to the sofa,
Nate looked down at the dog and said, "Yo, scoot ova!"

When they both finally woke up it was already dark,
so Nate had an idea of taking the poodle to the park.

He grabbed the dog's red leash and his neighbors fishing pole,
he was going to grab some trout with the dog at the old fishing hole.

On his way out the door he was struck by some fate,
as he saw a tadpole and had found the perfect bait.

Now with a lure as pure as nature can provide,
Nate was ready to go fishing with a poodle by his side.

They stopped by the store to pick up some cheap liquor,
because vodka always made the fish come to Nate quicker.

They sat on the banks of a steadily flowing creek,
waiting to catch Nate's conversation topic for the week.

And then his line began to jiggle and tighten up,
that's when Nate decided he had to put down his cup.

The fish was strong and wasn't going down without a fight,
so Nate had to battle despite his vision blinded by the night.

When he finally got his hands on the prize of his effort,
that was the beginning of Nate's fish cooking expert.

He went back home and cleaned out the glorious fish,
after that he started to prepare a delicious side dish.

The dog's tail suddenly began to wag faster and faster,
waiting on a new human treat cooked by his new master.

They feasted again and couldn't complain about the cuisine,
the dinner was so good that it made both man and dog scream.

On his way back to the couch Nate answered his telephone,
and that's when his neighbor made one instruction very known.

"If you break everything in the house, don't worry about it. That's fine.
But if you fuck with my daughter's tadpole, I will shatter your spine."

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday....

The sun rises up through the trees bright and early
But the spirit of the game lives in the tall and burly

The fans get up and ready for the game today
Because now it doesn't matter what the papers say

They pack and they load all sorts of great snacks
And fill up there cars with all sorts of beer in the back

The autumn air births a scent known by all
Everyone knows football is synonymous to Fall

Everything stops for this glorious event without doubt
It's ironic that 12 o'clock is when church let us out

They bolt to there homes and run to theirs dressers
They don their Pride's colors and turn into professors

Then the armies flock into the theaters of touchdowns
making their presence known in the form of three sounds

Sometimes they chant and then sometimes they boo
Sometimes they scream so loud the refs don't know what to do

But they make there way to their seats in arenas or at home
Watching as their team begins to fight for their throne

And then the time comes and kick off comes near
That special time when season starts
and you almost shed a tear.

Friday, June 17, 2011


As he opens his eyes,
the ring of an alarm clock sounds.
He puts a smile on his face,
as if nothing could bring him down.

He reaches for his clothes,
his hat and his shoes.
Grabbed his music and board
as if he knew what to do.

Down the stairs and in the kitchen,
he throws a poptart in the toaster.
He eats his meal and cleans his mess
as the moment keeps getting closer.

One last stop before he rides,
as he creeps into his parents room.
"Love y'all." "Love you, too."
And then he raced outside,
pressed play on his side,
and all he heard was Click, Click, Boom.....
Down the sidewalks
and across the streets,
he carves and controls the wood beneath his feet.

He surfs on the hills,
spinning and turning,
no matter the risk because his passion keeps burning.

On the way to his palace,
a rail catches his eye.
A new obstacle for him to elevate his high.

Frontside, Backside,
any kind of cool slide,
anything he landed help him conjugate his true pride...
Suns up at high noon,
time to take a break.
Cherry cola and a sandwich followed by a fruit cake.

Back on his way again,
heading for the skate park.
He knows he's so close because he can hear the ramps bark.

Showered by his audience,
he greets and is welcomed by peers.
Now he has an army to face whatever he may fear.

Ledges and Stairs,
Girls with green hair,
40 year old men in half-pipes soaring through the air.

He tests his surroundings,
thorough in his exam,
then turned to his friends and said,
"This is who I am."


i dont know what youve been told,
but you do not control my soul
please just let me on my way
trust me, ill be okay
you can forever follow me
but know your still my enemy
you can forever be with me
but know theres no comradery
you have taken
everything away from me
but i know this war
is all about making me bleed

Selector, not Protector

When envolved with a situation, where do we draw the line?
Better yet, how do we draw the line?
And to take it a step further, when or if we do draw the line,
do we actually stay on that side of the line?
If our society is limited by they walls and protection of one's self,
why do we kill?
why do we steal?
why do we rape?
why do we lie?
and the list keeps getting longer while we still live.
Nothing can help us now,
our beliefs are not those of everyone else,
our fate is as protected as war torn countries,
and yet we still manage to move along.
Letting civil terrorism engulf our streets with hatred and bloodshed,
Whenever a human being claims that god saved them,
why couldn't he save the hopeless?
the frail?
the brittle?
the children?
the humanity........

American Religion

floss our toes with green and gold
for we forgot what we have been told
no one to guide
no one to direct
all of our air gone
no chance of breath
please excuse our ignorant styles
dragging on greed for too long of a while
our kings grab power as the peasents fade
no renegade or robin hood to save the day
no light no dark no medium to function
all is gone with our dollors destruction
sinking, like a brick in the pond
heavier debts push us downward and on
looking for a place to lay our delemas to rest
but the addiction to money keeps us under durress
as children, carefree wanderers under protection
yet as adults, no one watches our lustfull collection
dreams and ambitions, blinded by its tricks
it starts to dissapear, just for kicks
but its not funny, poverty causes our biggest problems
yet no one has the tools or the abilities to solve them
so i live my life with a mind feeling young
no matter if my story is left unsung
for when all the tragedy has come and past
my country can live in peace at last.

The Hectic Skeptic

plants are bleading
bargins left pleading
i am what i am
a fool whose lost his sham

the tigers breathing
is as calm as reading
waiting on his prey
as his heart turns grey

clocks are ticking
and lights left flicking
our world is always on
waiting for your song

your time is done
and thats no fun
so whatever youve learned
comes from letters unburned

4 less lies
mix with attentionless cries
takes the night away from here
to a place so sad
i cannot shed a tear

life and time
have gon and lost their minds
but eyes and ears
stay open and candid
without any fears

the hypochondriac's
risk of a heart attack
still makes no less sense
and has lost its suspense

the birds will soar
while the tiger will roar
still the grounds to make amends
comes from such troubled winds

her misguide fortune
overexagerates the portion
yet the niave will take trial
with their relentless denial

chivalry is not dead
it just doesnt fancy the newbred
the mistakes remain deft and sly
when decisions turn faces to sighs

match book fates
come shiped in wholesale crates
vanity and greed comes and lays
in the place that you bow
still, i hear what he says

strung with fire
where the hammers become drier
beings invite the purity
on any occaision
as long as they have security

The Conductor

programed minds and worn out faces
against the complacent replacements
expect nothing from the celebrity
only here to lay hands into pavement....

He conducts a symphony of rage
that echoes with the violins of violence
one wrong motion sets off a chaos
not of rebellion, but that of defiance
His rhythm synchronizes with his mind
and his beat will rennovate and innovate
because while all of them keep the tempo up 
its the fire of his drum that insinuates
The hammers of the piano smashes on strings
following his fingers to privacy through ivory
he hangs riffs of majors in the auditorium
as minors blend with the darkness of ebony
Horns assemble to create an ocean of brass
to bring the sounds of an infinite infantry
warming the mood, the tone, the audience
resting the past and calming through infancy
He leads his brothers into all stages of hope
where their sound creates shroud for the crowd
volume has no purpose for his spectators
playing never too soft, never too loud......

Educe and Produce

find your sympathy
let it drown
make me a parody
let it fail
define reality
let it rule
create serenity
and then pull
saction the energy
let it pulse
console the tragedy
let it fall
retrace the enemey
let him run
direct his apology
to the gun
violence is everything
let it stop
peace became novelty
let it rise
puzzled by complexity
let them stay
introduce simplicity
watch one stray