Friday, June 17, 2011


As he opens his eyes,
the ring of an alarm clock sounds.
He puts a smile on his face,
as if nothing could bring him down.

He reaches for his clothes,
his hat and his shoes.
Grabbed his music and board
as if he knew what to do.

Down the stairs and in the kitchen,
he throws a poptart in the toaster.
He eats his meal and cleans his mess
as the moment keeps getting closer.

One last stop before he rides,
as he creeps into his parents room.
"Love y'all." "Love you, too."
And then he raced outside,
pressed play on his side,
and all he heard was Click, Click, Boom.....
Down the sidewalks
and across the streets,
he carves and controls the wood beneath his feet.

He surfs on the hills,
spinning and turning,
no matter the risk because his passion keeps burning.

On the way to his palace,
a rail catches his eye.
A new obstacle for him to elevate his high.

Frontside, Backside,
any kind of cool slide,
anything he landed help him conjugate his true pride...
Suns up at high noon,
time to take a break.
Cherry cola and a sandwich followed by a fruit cake.

Back on his way again,
heading for the skate park.
He knows he's so close because he can hear the ramps bark.

Showered by his audience,
he greets and is welcomed by peers.
Now he has an army to face whatever he may fear.

Ledges and Stairs,
Girls with green hair,
40 year old men in half-pipes soaring through the air.

He tests his surroundings,
thorough in his exam,
then turned to his friends and said,
"This is who I am."

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